The residents of zip code 30005 enjoy the highest median household income in North Atlanta outside of the perimeter. This area of Alpharetta has a median household income of $121K far ahead of the median state household income of $47K. Folks in Johns Creek zip 30022 are right behind with a median household income of $113K. Most of the areas north of Holcomb Bridge Road to the southern tip of Lake Lanier were $100K+. East Cobb is led by zip 30068 checking in with $103K while the other zip codes ranged between $75K and $100K.
Numerous "tapestry" categories are used to describe the composition of the various areas. Residents of Alpharetta include soccer moms, professional pride, enterprising professionals and bright young professionals along with others. "Technology is major for us, we're early adapters of new devises..." and that seems to ring true with the cutting edge technology in Avalon and the surround area. East Cobb and Roswell residents fall into those categories as well as savvy suburbanites, in style and young and restless. "Good food, good wine and cultural events are not to be missed". Also mixed in to the tapestry are categories including exurbanites, up and coming, green acres and of course as this is the sprawl capital of America, boomburbs. "We're affluent young families who have traded up to new housing in the growing metro areas. Bigger houses with mortgages are our compromise for longer commutes." If that's not right on target for many area zips, nothing is.
Ersi provides this research data for the nation, broken out by zip code. There are of course a number of sites like this however the color coded mapping and largely accurate area descriptions make this a good site to book mark and use. The explosion of available data like this is a terrific boon to home buyers and sellers around north Atlanta. This particular site provides great overviews of area demographics broken out by zip codes. Based on our experience appraising and selling in North Atlanta for over 20 years, the data and micro market descriptions tend to be pretty accurate.
HMT provides highly targeted housing data also broken out by zip code, this data is updated weekly and can be found by clicking MARKET TRENDS. Look above under the market trends menu to see a drop down by communities. There you can also sign up to have free Altos Research market reports emailed directly to you.