
Winter Meetup 2015 @ La Estrellita, Oakland CA

Real Estate Agent with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate BRE #01330018


It was a nice 55 degrees out in Oakland CA. I sat outside to meet Activerainers and friends. La Estrellita is a nice Mexican Restaurant and Bar in East Oakland.

50 minutes went by and no one had showed up! Oh well, I thought. The beer and enchilada were delicious so if no one showed up I had had a good time. I was feeling a bit disappointed, however.

Just as I was leaving a colleague showed up, Michelle Lang from 4 Seasons Realty, r. And a few minutes later, Michelle Renowitzky, Better Homes and Gardens Piedmont Partners, strolled in. Cool!


OK, neither one is an Activerainer, but I told them about Activerain; about learning from other real estate professionals and that it was good camaraderie.

The chat was around:

  • 5-5-10 Rule. Doorknocking around listings: 5 to the left, 5 to the right and 10 behind. Have you heard about this method?
  • Corefact. Capture lead through mail marketing. It connects leads to your website.
  • Ocwen. Michelle R. and I have separate short sales with this bank and we compared  notes.
  •, another type of database.

We had a good time.

Do I get AR points??

(I'm still working on them to sign up to Activerain.)



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Carla Muss-Jacobs, RETIRED
RETIRED / State License is Inactive - Portland, OR

What a nice post about your meetup!  Of course, I'm sure you'll get points . . . LOL

Jan 28, 2015 01:28 PM