I often ask myself, why do I love coming home? As a Realtor, we see so many homes, some I could move into that day, others not so much. it isn't always the decorating, is it? It takes more than that, a home takes on personality! The smell, the life within the walls. Each home is telling a story.
How can our home tell our best story, like a good book that everyone wants to read, or a movie everyone wants to see.
Lisa at Tour Wizard sums it up beautifully, I shared the entire post on Facebook at Loudoun County Real Estate Spots
" How do you feel when you walk into your home? Calm? Peaceful? Or do you have the same mood you had at work? You need a getaway plan for today’s stressful life, and a great solution is to convert every room of your house into a comfort zone. Your home needs to feed you with positive energy; it needs to be that place where you can recharge your batteries after a frenetic day at work. But how can you do that? What is the most important detail of that house that brings you to that state of mind? The color? The furniture? The accessories?
Enough with this hectic rhythm of today’s world! Having your dream house and creating the right ambiance for this can really become elusive if you don’t have a clear view of what motivates you and what gives you strength to continue. How can you turn your home into a warm and cozy sanctuary? What are the most important aspects of your home, you need to focus on? Here are some suggestions you can use to improve the quality of your life.
Blog shared from TourWizard, Lisa Ross- Dec. 2014