
We're Hiring & Training Commercial Agents

Commercial Real Estate Agent

If you happen to know of anyone that is interested in learning the commercial brokerage business from the ground up, Sperry Van Ness Columbus Ohio Gryphon Parker Real Estate is seeking 5-6 candidates to enter a 6 week training program starting on March 3, 2015.  Details are below.


Sperry Van Ness/Gryphon Parker Real Estate, a full service management, brokerage and auction firm based in Columbus, Ohio is seeking 6 New To Business (NTB) real estate agents with the desire to specialize in retail, industrial, multifamily, office or hospitality properties.  NTB agents range from right out of licensing school up to having approximately 1 year in the business.    

We provide a six week - in depth “Jump Start“ commercial real estate agent training program that will prepare you for success.  Sessions include:  

• Company History

• Sales & Negotiating 

• Real Estate Finance and Financial Modeling 

• Contracts and Forms

• Marketing & Prospecting

• Technology 

• Proposal Writing

• Property Management, Auctions & Leasing

• Distressed Assets

Following the completion of Jump Start, Sperry Van Ness/Gryphon Parker continues to provide training, mentoring, office support, branding and an additional source of leads.

Our first Jump Start session will begin on March 3 and is limited to just a handful of exceptional up and coming new agents.  Even though the course starts in a few weeks, you can still get on board and get started now.  Interested candidates should email a resume and cover letter to Rich Kruse at to request an initial interview.


Income is commission based and limited only by an Advisors desire and motivation to succeed.  All inquiries are confidential.


About Us


Sperry Van Ness International Corp. is the 8th most recognized commercial real estate brokerage brand according to the Annual Lipsey Brand Recognition Strategy.  SVN Gryphon Parker is part of the Sperry Van Ness national platform of commercial real estate advisors comprised of more than 180 offices and more than 1,000 advisors and auctioneers across the country.


Gryphon Parker is based in Columbus and are seeking motivated new team members throughout Central Ohio.  Ideal candidates will be highly professional, client-focused and self-motivated with the desire to build and grow their business.  SVNGP provides training and support as well as some leads and referrals.  


Posted by

Richard Kruse, Managing Director

Gryphon Parker, LLC

Sperry Van Ness Ohio / Gryphon Parker

Parker Kruse Asset Management

Gryphon Auction Group

90 Northwoods Blvd., Columbus, OH 43235

Phone 614.774.4118 I I I


About Richard Kruse


Mr. Kruse began his real estate career full time in Virginia in 1997.  Over the past 17 years, he has conducted real estate and equipment sales across the country.  In August of 2003, Mr. Kruse, in partnership with his wife Melissa, opened Gryphon Asset Advisors, the predecessor to Gryphon USA., Ltd.  In June of 2014, Kruse and Shawn Parker formed Sperry Van Ness Gryphon Parker Commercial Realty and Parker Kruse Asset Management.  Prior to July, Kruse and Parker were each others largest competitor.


In addition to sitting on the Ohio Auctioneers Commission, Mr. Kruse leads Sperry Van Ness Auction Services efforts in the State of Ohio, teaches at the Ohio Auction School and is regularly consulted as an expert in auctions and distressed assets by Columbus Business First and the Columbus Dispatch.  He is an active member CenterPoint Church and lives with his wife, Melissa, and daughter, Savannah, in North Columbus. 


About Gryphon Parker, LLC



Gryphon Parker, LLC is a multi-faceted group of companies operating under the names Parker Kruse Asset Management, Sperry Van Ness Gryphon Parker, Gryphon Auction Group & Parker Realty. The entities providing distressed asset management, real estate brokerage, management, leasing and auction services throughout the State of Ohio. The SVN Gryphon Parker Special Assets Group, working closely with Parker Kruse Asset Management, advises financial institutions, borrowers and the Courts on troubled asset administration throughout the United States.
