I love New Rochelle! How many times can I repeat that simple phrase. I was showing a lovely home in the area to clients, and we happened upon Barbara Reguero, who is in charge of the current Forest Heights Neighborhood Association Newsletter. (The Co-Presidents are Tara Fishler and Karen O'Brien). You could see and feel the energy and enthusiasm that Barbara has for the Association and for her neighbors. With over 90% of the Neighborhood paying their dues ( no small feat) of $50 a year, she explained how they were able to accomplish that. Once the neighbors realized what that $50 covered each year ( maintaining the islands, covering costs for the yearly neighborhood block party and offsetting costs for the Annual Forest Heights Winter Dinner, the home owners realized they were paying a very small amount to both keep their neighborhood a community – a community where you know each other’s names as you all socialize with each other, and how in having that community, it is a wonderful, viable selling point for future home owners. Barbara mentioned that the Winter Dinner has been a tradition for 100 years. I think that statement speaks for itself with regards to our wonderful neighborhood. I happen to live on Paine Avenue where we also have a Neighborhood Association – the Paine Heights Neighborhood Association which is run by our President, Martha McCann.
This year’s Winter Dinner (the neighbors all take turns) is for adults only, is a much appreciated. highly anticipated event. I can understand why. Cheers to Barbara, and here is to the Association having a super evening.
New Rochelle is GREAT!