Home inspections in Shreveport, Louisiana
Home Inspections in Shreveport, Louisiana and surrounding area. What is it and who should have such a service? Any home owner or home buyer should have a home inspection. First on part of the home buyer, a home inspection is an investment to an investment. It is also a form of strategy to get the lowest price possible and most important it’s a form of consumer protection. It is always a good idea to find out problems or potential problems before buying a home. Sometimes there are serious safety issues stemming from electrical problems to gas lines. Other issues are plumbing leaks to roof leaks and then, even though not too often found – structure issues in framing were visible.
Home inspections are for current owners as well. It is recommended that a home owner considers a home inspection about every five years. The reason for this is that as a home owner we tend to get comfortable in our surroundings and get used to seeing various issues without much thought. We also tend to tell ourselves, “it’s ok, I will take of it later” only to have months go by before taking care of the problem, if it even gets taken care of. Having a home inspector pointing out little things or even major issues can save a home owner a lot of time, headache and possibly money in the long run. Also from the owner’s perspective, a home inspection also gives them the ability to get a higher price or at least a lot closer to their asking price when the home goes on the market. A home seller has the option of sharing the inspection report with a prospective buyer, showing them that (1) an inspection was done, (2) receipts showing what was repaired, replaced, etc. (3) showing the buyer that they do have their best interest at hand, and (4) save the buyer the expense of having a home inspection. But the buyer always has the option of having an independent inspection.
What is a home inspection? A home inspection is a thorough visual inspection of a residence. A home inspector will look at all walls, flooring, ceilings, should be operating all doors and windows to ensure they open, close and latch/lock as intended, check all cabinet doors, drawers, check all visible and accessible plumbing and fixtures, operate built in appliances, check roofing, exterior walls and grade around home. A quality home inspection also checks all available electrical outlets to ensure proper operation, service panels to ensure proper wiring, heating and AC systems, water heater systems, look for structural issues.
When I do a home inspection in Shreveport, Louisiana and surrounding area for you, my guarantee is that it will be done with honesty, diligence and integrity.