
Live to Work or Work to Live? What is your philosophy?

Services for Real Estate Pros with Pro360 Virtual Tours and Photography

I read an interesting blog today by Guy Gimenez.  Guy asks the question, " Is working 7 days/week your belief system...or the Real Estate Industries?"  Great question.  I agree with Guy that we all deserve time off.  He discusses the expectations we set with our customers.  Before becoming a virtual tour provider, my husband and I looked at lots of different options.  I even tried my hand at multi-level marketing, eek!  Been there, done that, never again!  Talk about working 7 days per week!  After that experience I decided that the next time I started a business family time would be a priority. 

 How do we make our personal time a priority and still keep customers happy?  After 12 years in outside sales, I learned a few things about setting appointments.  Always give your customer or prospect dates and times to choose from when setting a meeting.  "Is Tuesday or Thurday better for you?  Morning or Afternoon?  10am or 1pm?  If you give a wide open schedule then working 7 days a week is your own fault or what you choose to do.  Yes, on occasion we will work weekends, but that will be the exception and not the rule for us. 

 The reason we chose to produce virtual tours was all about the ability to set our own schedule.  Well that, and a love for photography.   Check out my blog on Starting a Virtual Tour Business with RTV

What about the rest of you?  Do you live to work or work to live?

 Lisa Castro

Pro 360 Virtual Tours and Photography 

Dallas and Tarrant County Virtual Tour Provider

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Royal Goodman
Royalty Home Solutions - Madera, CA
"We Treat You Like a King"
Lisa. I live to work. I love getting up everyday to go. I look forward to it. Thanks, Royal..
Apr 08, 2008 03:20 AM
Konnie Mac McCarthy
MacNificent Properties, LLC - Cobb Island, MD
Broker/Owner - VA & MD "Time To Get A Move On!"
the think I like the most about real estate, is i do have down time.....when I'm busy sometimes it's too busy..but I take the good with the bad..
Apr 08, 2008 03:25 AM
Steve Loynd
Alpine Lakes Real Estate Inc., - Lincoln, NH
800-926-5653, White Mountains NH
Lisa, I love the choice approach I can do it Tuesday at noon or Wednesday first thing in the morning there is nothing left for interpretation. but I still have to meet people after they get out of work, or have them come in on a Saturday like everyone else in our business.
Apr 08, 2008 03:26 AM
Patrick Gahagan
High Tide Realty Team of Coastal Properties - Wilmington, NC

I think family should always come first.  You can love your job, but it should never be the top priority in you life.  But that's just my opinion.

Apr 08, 2008 03:28 AM
Gabriele Campbell
D F Campbell Ventures Group Inc. - Saint Albert, AB
If we are lucky enough to work a passion, then everything we do, from playing with our kids to setting appointments to writing our message, is living.
Apr 08, 2008 03:30 AM
Jim & Maria Hart
Brand Name Real Estate - Charleston, SC
Charleston, SC Real Estate
Hey Lisa. I like to practice "Be where you are at." In other words; if I am at home, then I am at home and not thinking about work (phones off and internet down). The same applies for work; while with customers, I give them my all and let then know that they are a priority to me when I am with them. I share my philosophy with my clients and I feel that they respect my off time with my family and friends. It is a great way for me to balance my time. Thanks, Jim.
Apr 08, 2008 03:40 AM
Kathy Fisher Sells Lexington TN homes! 731.845.3413
Five Star Real Estate Services - Lexington, TN

I do work 7 days a week but usually not all day any day.  I try to work around my family's schedule.  Even though my children are in high school most days I try to be home around 3 just to get see them!  I try to do evening showings on the nights my husband goes to work out.  I adjust accordingly and it seems to be working!

Kathy Fisher

Apr 08, 2008 03:58 AM
Lisa Castro
Pro360 Virtual Tours and Photography - Arlington, TX

Royal, it is great to hear from someone who loves their work.  Too many people dread getting up for work.

Konnie, I know what you mean.  Feast or famine!!

Jim and Maria - Be where you are at.... I love that! 

Apr 08, 2008 04:01 AM
R. B. "Bob" Mitchell - Loan Officer Raleigh/Durham
Bank of England (NMLS#418481) - Raleigh, NC
Bob Mitchell (NMLS#1046286)

To me it's a mind set sort of thing.  Once you wrap your mind around the fact that "flexibility" is a two edged sword, then it's not that bad when you have to work a weekend or late.  Yeah, it sucks to sit in an open house on a gorgeous Sunday Afternoon only to have nobody show up, but it's also great to be able to "schedule" an appointment to go the business man's special at the local ball park!

I  tell a story of when my daughter was little and she had a dance recital at her pre-school.  I "scheduled" it as an appointment and went.  Afterwards she was SOOOO proud that I was the only "Daddy" there!  She's 22 now and still remembers that I took the time to show up.

All that said, you're right as far as it being your personal responsibility to make sure that you have personal time.


Bob Mitchell

ValueList Real Estate Services, Inc. 

Apr 08, 2008 04:03 AM
Brett Weaver
SpotLight Virtual Tours - Florence, AL

Right now I'm still working to live, but I have a transition plan moving forward that will turn that around.  It really is a realization and then a conscious decision to live to work.

It sounds like you're already a student or at least aware of him, but if not I would suggest everyone who is interested in Lisa's post check out Dan Miller's 48 Days content at

@Bob Mitchell: That's a great story.  I have a daughter in pre-school now and I hope to at least be able to go to her events in kindergarten.  This is a great addition to my goals!

Brett Weaver

SpotLight Virtual Tours 


Apr 10, 2008 05:54 AM
Kathy Dove
David Dove Photography - Cincinnati, OH
I have to say "neither" to the question.  There is a third option.  Meaningful work is a facet of a fulfilling life and neither the means nor the end.  My philosophy is to keep work in the perspective that it is a contribution to society.  I provide a service and receive compensation for it.  My contribution is rewarded with money. Money is the value of the contribution.  My contributions have always brought me joy and money, so work has always been a pleasure. 
Apr 10, 2008 12:11 PM
Lisa Castro
Pro360 Virtual Tours and Photography - Arlington, TX

Bob, I look forward to scheduling those kind of appointments! 

Kathy, you have a GREAT philosophy on life.  Thanks for sharing.

Brett, I will have to check out the 48 days content. Sounds interesting.

Apr 11, 2008 01:21 AM
Cree Quaker
The Machree Group, LLC - Woodstock, NY
Ulster County Real Estate

It's tough to categorize working 7 days a week for me.  Yes, I do...technically, but I also work out midday, take lunch with friends a odd hours a 9-5 wouldn't permit and mix work with personal so much it's tough to tell the difference.

I used to be elated on Friday and dread Sunday because Monday was around the corner - and I LOVED my job...just hated someone telling me I HAD to be somewhere. 

So I will take the 7 days over 5 days any day.

Apr 11, 2008 01:45 AM