I read an interesting blog today by Guy Gimenez. Guy asks the question, " Is working 7 days/week your belief system...or the Real Estate Industries?" Great question. I agree with Guy that we all deserve time off. He discusses the expectations we set with our customers. Before becoming a virtual tour provider, my husband and I looked at lots of different options. I even tried my hand at multi-level marketing, eek! Been there, done that, never again! Talk about working 7 days per week! After that experience I decided that the next time I started a business family time would be a priority.
How do we make our personal time a priority and still keep customers happy? After 12 years in outside sales, I learned a few things about setting appointments. Always give your customer or prospect dates and times to choose from when setting a meeting. "Is Tuesday or Thurday better for you? Morning or Afternoon? 10am or 1pm? If you give a wide open schedule then working 7 days a week is your own fault or what you choose to do. Yes, on occasion we will work weekends, but that will be the exception and not the rule for us.
The reason we chose to produce virtual tours was all about the ability to set our own schedule. Well that, and a love for photography. Check out my blog on Starting a Virtual Tour Business with RTV.
What about the rest of you? Do you live to work or work to live?
Lisa Castro
Pro 360 Virtual Tours and Photography