
I attended a Craig Proctor seminar, wow!

Services for Real Estate Pros with The Real Estate Book

I had the privilege of attending a held seminar in Palm Springs where Craig Proctors team presented their way of selling Real Estate. It was very informative and as a former Realtor myself I gained knowledge that I had only wished I knew when I was practicing. However, coming from an advertising end of it today I gained knowledge about what makes a 2.0 Realtor tick, (2.0 referring to Technology). 

There are so many ways in which to promote listings through paper and the internet, but how do we catch the buyers out there when there is so much? Well, Craig puts it into some simple formulas that work and really its getting back to the basics and really not going for the shotgun approach. We can all get caught up in the latest and greatest, however with that comes a hefty price tag. 

Thinking outside the corners of your box is what we all need to do. A fresh approach and streamlined sense of keenness is almost essential in todays market. Craig Proctor currently is making over 3 million in gross commissions a year by maintaining good judgment  and a sound foundation. Isn't  it a great time to know what it takes to really make it?

Well, I am off this morning to yet another Craig Proctor seminar in San Diego and I am hopeful I can come back with regained knowledge and fortitude. Be well and keep your stars aligned in the Real Estate field.




ps. If i were to sponsor Craig to come to Southern California near us would I have anyone to show up? I am thinking in Palm Springs or San Bernardino somewhere. It would be a free half day seminar possibly in May.   

Evelyn Johnston
Friends & Neighbors Real Estate - Elkhart, IN
The People You Know, Like and Trust!

I would come, but alas, I am in  Elkhart County, Indiana...I would love to hear him speak and also Craig Forte, either or both would be a learning experience.


Apr 08, 2008 06:22 AM
Utah Dave Neighborhood Experts - South Jordan, UT
Homes for Sale - Utah
Good to see you are pumped up with the seminars.   Seminars are great.  One question, why is it that 90% of agents that sign up for the seminars still dont make it?  Why is it that some people use the same ads that Craig uses....and dont get the response?    There are a few reasons....but the question that you have caught a vision..what are you going to do to make sure that you are the top 5% that come out on top?
Apr 08, 2008 06:25 AM