Talk business. Do business. Celebrate business. That's what the Business Expo is all about. On Friday, April 25th, from Noon - 6:30PM, Downtown Moneta will be turned into a bustling EXPO of over 150 businesses here at Smith Mountain Lake.
Free lunch is offered to all visitors and last year's door prizes totaled over $10,000! And, free parking areas are available on site. The Smith Mountain Lake area has a very dynamic business community. New businesses are starting, existing businesses are changing and expanding, but so many people are unaware of what is available locally. This is the perfect opportunity for all businesses to showcase their products and services to each other and to the public who packs the event. Visitors can stroll through each booth and get to know the local businesses, meet new people, and build relationships.
The Business Expo is a great marketing tool for businesses to reach their customer base and to increase the community's awareness of their services. Last year more than 140 chamber members hosted a booth and enjoyed the benefits of exhibiting.
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