
Market Picking Up in Illinois

Real Estate Agent with Remax Suburban
I don't know what's happening in other markets, but the real estate market in Arlington Hts., IL is definitely picking up.  By "picking up" I don't mean that prices are rising, because they are not. But I do mean that it seems like more and more buyers are getting serious about buying again.  They seem to be recognizing that prices are very attractive for homes right now, even if it took about a year for sellers to realize the new pricing structure.  Once the buyers see that they can get a home for a reasonable price, they are willing to jump in the market. This is in spite of the media putting out conflicting reports, and failing to emphasize that real estate is always local.  So when the media puts out statistics that are averages for the whole country, it gives a misleading impression of your own local market.  I think consumers are now recognizing this, and are paying attention to what's happening just in their own locale. 
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Royal Goodman
Royalty Home Solutions - Madera, CA
"We Treat You Like a King"
Kathy. the same here. It is really picking up in Central California. Thanks for the post, Royal..
Apr 08, 2008 12:00 PM
Kirk Westervelt
Van West Realty - Greenville, SC Realtor -Short Sale Expert! - Greenville, SC
Kirk Westervelt, Broker In Charge, Van West Realty - CDPE - Short Sale Agent - Home for Sale - Greenville, Simpsonvil...

That's great news! Thanks for the update on your market! Keep educating your buyers as to the distinctive market data for your local market.

Don't let them assume the national media knows your local real estate market better than you!

Welcome to Active Rain!

Apr 08, 2008 01:48 PM
Keith Elliott Jr
KEIRE Realty Group - Manassas, VA
Principal Broker/Owner

Hello Kathy,

Welcome to Active Rain and congrats on your first post! The opportunities to learn and network are incredible here. Best of luck to ya!


Apr 08, 2008 04:34 PM
Dorene Shirley
The Mortgage & Property Connection - Campbell, CA
Silicon Valley Real Estate

Kathy - Welcome to the Rain, make sure that you browse the site and become familiar with everything this site has to offer.  The more you browse the more you will learn.  I have found this site to be really helpful to me.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me, I will do whatever I can to help.

Apr 09, 2008 12:49 AM
Kathy Barkulis
Remax Suburban - Arlington Heights, IL
Thanks everyone!  Active Rain is huge, and I'm navigating around it to see everything; trying to figure it all out.  What I'm finding is that Realtors are the most fun people, as I've always known.  They are engaging, funny, smart, and caring.  I have found that in my own market over the past 20 years, and am always willing to share my knowledge, as others have done for me.  I hope I can figure out all this blogging, and whether I should just be starting a new subject myself, or responding to others' comments.  Anyway, I'm going to just jump in! Thanks again...
Apr 09, 2008 02:22 AM