Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson M.D. is a great little gem of a book that helps us deal with change in our work and life.
It is the story of four characters who live in a Maze and look for Cheese to feed them and make them happy. They are faced with unexpected change and some deal successfully with the change (by finding "new cheese") while others are not so successful.
This book has been around for many years. I remember it going around the office in the 1990's when I worked in the film and television industry. This was a time of big change to that industry because of new technology. Everything was going digital and the computer was changing the way jobs had been done for decades. Many of the old timers were retiring because they did not want to learn the new ways. It was a time for panic.
As it turned out, many jobs were changed and things were done differently. The new tools may have changed the way the work was done, however, there was still work to do.
Now, with all the changes going on in the Real Estate industry. this may be a good time to read (or re-read) this little book. It only takes an hour or so and it just may change your life.