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Spencer's Crossing and East Murrieta House Values March 2015

Real Estate Agent with Real Estate Places CA BRE #01802964

Statistics for Single Family Homes and Condos in Murrieta, CA
Median Listing Price
Median Days on Market
Active Listings
Distressed Listings
(foreclosures and short sales)
Price Trends - Sold vs. Listed

Understand the difference between "listing prices" (what sellers are asking for) and "sold prices" (what buyers are willing to pay).

By comparing these price trends, you'll have a good idea of where the market is heading. The median listing and sold property prices are calculated based on the market activity each month.

Some sales are not immediately available from public records. As they become available, the data are updated.



Chart Temporarily Unavailable
Market Inventory Trends
Chart Temporarily Unavailable

The number of active listings in Murrieta (92563) increased by 24.5%from the previous month.

The median number of days active properties have been listed is 71. This is significantly shorter than the national average.


The number of sales in January dropped by 96.8% from the previous month.