
Smile, you live in Oregon now!

Real Estate Agent with ADVANTAGE REAL ESTATE, serving Lincoln County 200509394

nozzle sign

About three times a year, I fly to my home town of Los Angeles from Oregon. I was looking through some of my photos from last year, found above photo I took in LA, California, to share with my readers.

Why is this significant? Because in Oregon, we do not pump our own gas. It is state mandate to have it pumped for you by a gas station attendant. The photo below was taken recently while I was waiting for my gas tank to fill, from the comfort of my car.  They even washed my windshield for me. Ahhhh.

Just one of the little things that makes it so great to live on the Central Oregon Coast!

oregon car

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Your Coastal Realtor in Oregon

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Rob Marken
Bend River Realty - Bend, OR
25+ years experience in Bend

Too funny! Many times when I cross into California from Oregon I will sit in my car for a minute until it dawns on me that I have to pump my own gas too! Just one of the perks of living in Oregon. Thanks for sharing. 

Feb 26, 2015 01:29 AM
Sandy Padula & Norm Padula, JD, GRI
HomeSmart Realty West & Florida Realty Investments - , CA
Presence, Persistence & Perseverance

Barbara Le Pine That car is a rolling  quagmire for a psychiatrist. I would be really concerned about those 'Flying Monkeys"!

Feb 26, 2015 02:16 AM
Rob D. Shepherd
RETIRED - Florence, OR

Yep not only is Oregon the place to live, the Oregon coast is even better!

Feb 26, 2015 03:59 AM
Michael Dagner
Brokers Guild Classic - Denver, CO
Your Denver Homes Realty Expert

Hi Barbara, holy cow, gas station attendants!  Haven't seen one of those guys since the 70s.  Will have to visit Oregon soon.

Feb 26, 2015 10:37 AM
Barbara Le Pine
ADVANTAGE REAL ESTATE, serving Lincoln County - Newport, OR
Your agent for the Central Oregon Coast!

Rob, I do the same thing!


By the way, I hope you know that you have the best Vietnamese restaurant in the world, the Viet Cafe, located in Bend, Oregon.  I am truly jealous!

Feb 27, 2015 02:17 AM
Barbara Le Pine
ADVANTAGE REAL ESTATE, serving Lincoln County - Newport, OR
Your agent for the Central Oregon Coast!

Sandy and Norm,  cue the flying monkey music! My personal favorite is the sticker that says, "Where are we going? And why am I in this handbasket?"

Feb 27, 2015 02:19 AM
Barbara Le Pine
ADVANTAGE REAL ESTATE, serving Lincoln County - Newport, OR
Your agent for the Central Oregon Coast!

Rob, today is another awersome day on the coast! Hope you are getting the sunshine down there in Florence, we have sun peeking through puffy rain clouds this morning. :)

Feb 27, 2015 02:23 AM
Barbara Le Pine
ADVANTAGE REAL ESTATE, serving Lincoln County - Newport, OR
Your agent for the Central Oregon Coast!

Michael, reminds me of growing up in LA. Remember the Texaco attendants dressed in white and red suits? We have attendants in bright orange vests. It took me awhile to train myself to stay in the car when pulling in to a station.

Feb 27, 2015 02:25 AM
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hi Barbara -- fun post!   You may remember San Marino when there were gas station attendants required by the city up until just a few years ago.   Although they must still exist in California, they are a rarity.   

Feb 27, 2015 07:21 PM