
Peanut Island - Riviera Beach FL

Real Estate Agent with The Pasquale Power Home Team 3127593

Peanut Island:  One day we were on the boat and anchored down to relax at Peanut Island.  We looked into the water and this is what we saw.  

 Peanut Island


Peanut Island is located in the Lake Worth Inlet, Riviera Beach.  It is an Island that consists of an 80 Acre park that you can only get to by boat, jet ski, paddle board etc.....  If you do not have a boat don't worry.  They even have a Water Taxi that drops you off and picks you up. Check out what Peanut Island has to offer by clicking Peanut Island Info.

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Michele Connors
The Overton Group, LLC Pitt & Carteret County - Greenville, NC
Your Eastern North Carolina Realtor

wow that brought back alot of memories ! I went to Jupiter HS years ago, Peanut island was alot of fun ! Also was a Pasquales Pizza --any relatives maybe ???

Mar 03, 2015 02:49 AM
Betty Pasquale
The Pasquale Power Home Team - Wellington, FL

Nope, Not related.  I get that question asked a lot :)

Mar 03, 2015 02:53 AM