
Expanded Services for Seniors Now Offered!

Real Estate Agent

For years, The Steller Group has offered free downsizing assistance, and Conrad Steller, founder and co-owner of The Steller Group, has proven a valuable resource to his senior clients.

With Conrad’s Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES) certification, our team is finely tuned to serve clients over the age of 50 when the decision to downsize is made. The SRES training enhances our understanding of the physical and emotional hurdles that seniors face, and The Steller Group has the commitment and resources to help clients make the move that is right for them. These skills have proven readily transferrable, and benefit all our clients in their various life stages.

Our comprehensive and gentle approach helps families navigate downsizing from their homes, whether the move is due to retirement, finances, health, the death of a spouse, or coaxing from family. Letting go of treasured belongings and moving away from longtime friends and familiar streets can be daunting roadblocks for homeowners, but with support from The Steller Group, the process feels manageable and streamlined.

Our services for seniors and their families include:

  • Assessment of whether to fix up or sell as-is
  • Coordination of repairs and renovations
  • Overcoming anxiety and procrastination
  • Space planning referrals
  • Liquidation and estate sale referrals
  • Packing and moving referrals

Working with our dedicated, compassionate team is the first step to enjoying a more comfortable home and lifestyle. When you hire The Steller Group for your home sale, you will have a skilled team and extensive professional network behind you every step of the way.

For a complimentary consultation, or to learn more about our services, call us at
(303) 539-5228 or visit our website. We are happy to serve you in any way we can.

The Steller Group is Your Seniors Real Estate Specialist