Have you ever had to pay for something twice due to a failed Do-It-Yourself attempt? I have and now I have another story to share with my clients.
I recently purchased a new cell phone cover and discovered my new case didn't allow the charger head to be fully seated into the port. Being thrifty by nature, I immediately took to task to 'fix' it instead of returning it. The concept didn't seem too hard--simply widen the hole on the phone case to accommodate the charger. After using my trusted knife, several matches, and a lot of patience, it worked; however, it didn't look pretty. While operational, I consider my DIY as a cosmetic fail.
Had I taken some offered advice of a professional phone mogul, I'm certain I wouldn't be sitting here planning to purchase another phone case. As it is, now I have a cautionary story to tell future home buyers and sellers who contemplate 'doing it themselves'.
A home is usually the most expensive purchase of a lifetime and some people insist on doing it themselves. Of course it can be done, but the outcome may be stressful and not very pretty. The process of purchasing or selling a home is not one I would recommend as a DIY project. The financial risk is lessened when a professional offers you guidance and takes care of the process from beginning to end...in real estate, that professional is called a REALTOR®.