85234 Real Estate & Homes for Sale 85234
Average price per square foot for Gilbert AZ was $127, a decrease of 0.8% compared to the same period last year. The median sales price for homes in Gilbert AZ for Nov 14 to Feb 15 was $252,456 based on 909 home sales. Compared to the same period one year ago, the median home sales price decreased 1%, or $2,544, and the number of home sales decreased 9.9%. There are currently 1,824 resale and new homes in Gilbert on Trulia, including 7 open houses, as well as 599 homes in the pre-foreclosure, auction, or bank-owned stages of the foreclosure process. The average listing price for homes for sale in Gilbert AZ was $345,668 for the week ending Feb 18, which represents an increase of 1.5%, or $5,060, compared to the prior week. Popular neighborhoods in Gilbert include San Tan Ranch and Gardens Condominium, with average listing prices of $302,322 and $158,214.
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