Are You Moving a Parent into Your Home? Some Suggestions.
This was a post written by my associate, Suzanne McLaughlin, a while ago. And, it has some specific suggestions and great comments by others who have had to make decisions about moving a parent into one's home.
This can be used if you face a simialr situation. And, I hope that if you are in this position, you can take some comfort and advice from not only Suzanne's original post, but from the others who added their experince, too.
Are you moving a parent into your home?
There are many issues to discuss with the parent and possibly others living in your home.
The parent may have some physical and/or mental condition, a chronic illness or flare-ups.
Even if the parent is still relatively healthy and independent, you will want to consider things like living wills, health care directives and wills. You want to make sure that they are ready to consider end-of-life decisions now while they are still cognizant of the implications.
And, if there are siblings and spouses involved, have the parent explain (possibly with your assistance or an attorney’s) what and why the decisions were made.
Your parent is now in new surroundings and may be unused to more distractions and noise. This is understandable, and you may want to set up an area other than the bedroom where they have some of the things that were in their previous home such as books, mementos and other things that can serve to calm nerves.
However, if the parent is in a health crisis, or has suffered a setback in care, you will need to consult with a physician about how to best integrate the care of the parent both for you and your family and the parent.
You must be aware of all implications of any ailments and what to expect in three months, six months and a year, where possible.
Be alert to changes. And, as with any change in your family status, you need to try to make everyone comfortable and knowledgeable about what their responsibilites are.
Best wishes to you for taking the responsibility on. And, think about the rewards of time with someone who loved and cared for you when you were a child. Take a deep breath, and sail on!!!!
The information contained in this blog is believed to be true and correct and while every effort is made to ensure that the information is as accurate as possible, the author of this blog, and its comments disclaim any implied warranty or representation about its accuracy for any particular purpose. All information is copy written and the property of Suzanne McLaughlin..
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Suzanne McLaughlin
Sabinske & Associates, Inc.
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