Hello all!
What Generation do you belong to? What Generation group do you feel most comfortable around? It is an interesting question for all of us, because clients run the range from Traditionals to Baby Boomers, and from Generation X to Y (Millennials). And since Millennials are now at a prime home buying age, we can only expect that demographic to soar, so all of us need to identify with the Millennials. But at the same time, Baby Boomers are just as apt to adjust their living spaces as retirement approaches, so we all need to identify with the Baby Boomers.
I find myself in the interesting situation of having been born in the late 1970's (the cutoff for Generation X is 1965-1979), and I can identify with Generation X just as much as any Millennial. We all witnessed many technological firsts that drive our economy today, and we question traditions handed down from our parents and grandparents not out of disrespect, but out of the sheer curiosity of the "why?" factor.
I think we all can accept the fact that one must embrace the evolution of technology, sociology, and the economy, and Generation X and Y are the best at this kind of embracing. Not to say that Traditionals and Baby Boomers have not adapted, they just didn't have the "benefit" of having massive change forced down their throats at a young age. The fire-hose was not quite as large, so to speak, for the older generations until they had more maturity behind them. And with maturity comes smart and logical acceptance of changes, not haphazard adaptations to the latest "it" thing that is forgotten in a year (i.e. Beta and HD-DVD). What Generation X and Y have are battle-hardened brains that have (hopefully) learned to indoctrinate evolutionary change in the smart and logical ways Baby Boomers and Traditionals have.
Long story short, all Generations can adapt to evolutionary change, just in different ways. So the point of this Blog? I really just want to get a temperature reading of the audience of where they feel they fit in, in this small world of ours. Are you a Traditionalist who absolutely loves gadgets and can identify with Millennials, or are you a Millennial who tires of the ever-present change and longs for the "good ol' days".
I'm genuinely curious, what Generation are you by age, and what Generation are you by feel?