Retiring or Recovering? Something Like That!
I have decided to hang up the shingle. Real estate was my PASSION. Apparently, try as I might, it decided it just wasn’t that into me. Meh!
Well, now, I haven’t quit working…in fact I have a fulltime job and a part-time job. Both, I think will keep me pretty busy. I will keep my license. But, I will not be marketing myself, but my broker instead.
I will still be here in the Rain from time to time, but with the new changes that have made it impossible to answer a comment for a comment, it really requires an pen and paper to properly answer all comments now which is very unfortunate and makes me a little upset.
If you have any questions about the Rain, however, please still fell free to contact me. I love to help people navigate through issues. I was able to help three people just this month by calling them and giving them step by step instructions.
So, call me or email me with anything that you need help on. I am still here to help!
And, here’s wishing you all the very best!