Why are buyers all sitting on the fence waiting?
Fear of the Unknown -
Home Prices will totally crash after I buy -
As a smart buyer you know that prices are currently dropping. I understand how you feel, I had another buyer who felt the same way but they realized that if they buy now and stay in the home for a few years prices will be about the same or better. They knew they were making the great choice because they had to live somewhere and wanted the privileges and enjoyment of their own home. They boosted their monthly income because of the tax credits. They had no worries about a growing rental fee, since they had a stable mortgage payment. They are igniting their financial security by owning instead of renting. Yes the prices may drop and so what! Stay a few years and you still own a home and can move upward instead of just standing still like everyone else in the crowd. You can stand above the average guy because you bought when it was low not high.
Now is the time to buy because prices are low and interest rates are low. Next time My Credit is Crappy, How to Spruce Up Your Credit.
If you find the home you want now, you can buy it at a bargain price. Doesn't that seem fair enough? To find out more you can listen to my free recorded message 1-866-875-5008 ext 10, want a free report on buying go to http://www.phoenixbeautifulhomes.com/ To get started right away email me at Lkostyo@cox.net
Laura Kostyo, Star Team Realty has been in real estate for over 20 years working in this cyclical market.