A Pinterest Board for Michael Jacobs: Pasadena
Now Folks, this is the kind of community that /I will proudly say I am affiliated with. As you can see...Roy Kelley is pretty knowledgeable on Pinterest, and my friend Michael Jacobs, like myself has not participated in Pintrest. Roy recognizing the advantage of thata forum extends a helping Hand to Michael. Thanks for being a great example Roy!!!
A Pinterest Board for Michael Jacobs: Pasadena
My friend Michael Jacobs commented on one of my blogs that joining Pinterest is on his list of things to do this year. I, of course, responded that today is a good day to get started. Maybe he needs a kick start on this easy to accomplish objective.
Michael will probably want to create a Pinterest board for each of the communities he serves and he will certainly want to have a board on Pasadena. To keep this simple, I typed Pasadena in the search bar on the Pinterest website and there is large number of pins from which Michael may choose to re-pin to his own Pasadena board. Use this link to see what I found:
Pasadena Michael will also be enter other searches that will add to the selection.
If you wonder about comments becoming blogs, take a look at the following link for Michael's recent post.
An ActiveRain Comment Can Become A Post - It’s The Magic Of AR
Now, do you have a Pinterest board for your city and Pinterest boards for the communities you serve? If not, this may be a good day for you to get started. It is so easy to take advantage of this free resource.
Use this link to visit and follow my boards on Pinterest: Roy Kelley
Hibiscus, Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, PA USA IMG 0439
Photograph by Roy Kelley
Roy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
Amateur Photographer, Roy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
Roy Kelley, Associate Broker
Realty Group Referrals
6 Montgomery Village Ave., Suite 200
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Main Office: 301-258-7757 (You will not reach me at this number)
Home Office: 301-670-8996