Don't get me wrong, I talk to dead people often. I actually type messages on the facebook pages of some of my friends who are gone from time to time. I left that message for Whitt on facebook when I cut his shrubs down. I have the house I sold him listed for his estate. And I know in my heart that he will forgive me, but that he wasn't happy we cut them down to nubbins. He was stomping around in heaven. I am sure of it. But anyone, his family included that read my post knows I know that Whitt passed away two years ago.
In the last few days I have seen some thoughtless "Happy Birthday, have a great day" "Happy Birthday hope the cake is good" messages left by people that I would have thought would have at least looked at the wall before they posted the message. Generally speaking, if you scroll down a bit on the facebook page of someone who has passed away there will be some clues.
In my opinion it's better to ignore or unfriend someone's "birthday" on Facebook if you didn't even know them well enough to know they are dead. I'm going to get off my soap box now. It's been one of those days.