Looking for West Jordan UT homes for sale from $190,000? Here is where and how to find them. Each day every new listing in the Salt Lake area, including Tooele County is displayed on our Salt Lake homesearch site. No matter who the listing agent is, if a home or condo is listed on the MLS it will appear on that home page the day it is available.
You will see snippets like those below. There will be photos, address, price, and a copy of the agent remarks. If you see a house that looks like it could be interesting to you, click on the photo and we will display a full explanation of the features of the property, and additional pictures.
Houses Listed in West Jordan From $190,000.
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Want to save time by only searching for homes that satisfy your needs? You can customize a search that does that. Here are some examples of that.
- Homes in West Jordan from $190,000 w/ 6 bedrooms
- Six bedroom West Jordan homes from $190,000 w/3 car garages
- West Jordan Utah short sales from $190,000
If you miss a day or a few days of looking at listings on the website, you can retrieve home listings going back a couple of weeks.
Try searching these links
- West Jordan Listings last 3 days
- Listings in West Jordan last 7 days
- See West Jordan houses listed last 2 weeks.
Still not finding what you want in West Jordan UT? Give me a call and let me or one of my experienced associates find your West Jordan UT homes for sale from $190,000 with the features you need. Call me
Gordon Sloan 801-567-0946 today.