What a quote!!!! I hate when someone says...."where have you been?" Times change and so do people and cirucmstances and situations. I was all in for my first 800,000 points....being #1 in Illinois for years as well as top 100 nationally through A.R., but then comcast went down.....and I mean DOWN....for 3 months.
What's the rule? 3 weeks to create a new habit? Some studies say 54 days. Three months had me covered. Here I was.....committed, but now to a new habit....and yes, a bad one. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get back in. I wrote and published a book in the meantime, but I was AWOL on AR. Not cool.
So....now that lent is over and it's 1/4th the way through 2015, I feel that it's time for me to leave the life of a cloistered monk behind me.
I'm back Active Rain.....Now....to create a new habit.