I noticed about 5 years ago that I would come home from a long, disappointing day at the office, and do everything but kick the dog because it was that bad...and it wasn't the family(or the dog's fault). I complained about the economy, the unreasonable clients, and the unprofessional agents. I felt like a failure, every day.There was not one thing I liked about my job.
Then one day, I listened to myself- and bored myself to tears! The one thing that all my tales of woe had in common, was me and the blame I carried around about what went wrong.
I had to turn my outlook totally around!
I challenged myself, to find at least 5 things I did RIGHT that day- and some days, it is only the first cup of coffee! I did this list consistently and discovered that:
1. It put me in a better mood when I went to bed
2. It gave me distance in the outcome- and looking at an issue from another perspective reveals unexpected answers.
3. I connected to people that responded with some positive feedback and personal stories.
So, in keeping with this, here are my 5 things I did right today
1. Learned- I attended a education rally - out of town, new faces, new ideas- and reinforced other concepts that had been on the back burner. We all need a change of place, once in awhile, so we can see our business from the outside in.
2. Learned again- that forgetting half of your professional wardrobe at home isn't the worst thing in the world. and with proper hygiene, forgetting the deordorant isn't the worst thing either. Also, standing up and reading your writing to 300-400 other professionals, while wearing the half an outfit you did remember(and the jeans that didn't match) wasn't the worst thing ever, either.
3. Learned yet again- that even in a "basic" class, there are things that I either knew and forgot, never knew and didn't care to know, and that I can always ask the Girl to help with tech questions instead of sitting in class
4. Learned another lesson- sometimes I need a time out- my brain gets full, and the only remedy is to exit. That exit is like pushing back from the table after a large dinner- it allows digestion to occur.
5. Learned how to come home- and appreciate the welcome not only from the 2 legged family, but the unbridled joy from the doggie member, and the appreciative purr from one of the feline members. The other feline member couldn't be bothered...
6. Hugged the Girl- no matter how old she gets, or how old I get for that matter, always the best thing.