Check out some new reality TV shows being filmed in Hawaii.
Have you seen the new TV show called Aloha Vet? It airs on Saturdays on National Geographic Channel. It's a really good program about Dr. Scott Sims from the island of Kauai as he travels around the Hawaiian Islands to take care of animals. He might be fixing up somebody's dog or he might be taking care of a pig, and you never know what the results will be. You get to see some beautiful scenery of course as he flies his little airplane around the islands. When he's working on his patients it can sometimes get a little bloody and gory but it's always very interesting. I would recommend tuning in and watching this show because it's educational and entertaining, and it's fun to see some images from Hawaii while this wonderful doctor helps animals.
Another new show is Surviving Marriage on A&E channel. These episodes were filmed in Hawaii and many of them on Maui so we like to tune in and see if we can recognize the locations. The show itself is a bit over the top with spousal drama, as couples go through exercises to save their failing marriage. It appears the common unraveling thread is couples who married young and started having kids in their teens. It's a radical form of therapy and it appears to work for some of them.
Hawaii makes a great setting for TV or movie shows, and it's a boost for our economy, so please watch and help to encourage more of these productions. The film business on Maui is growing and providing lots of jobs in a good way. Thanks for watching!
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