Quick Marketing Lesson: The Real Estate Squeeze Page
Squeeze pages are one page websites designed to generate leads. postAprop.com has "real estate specific" squeeze pages that are 100% complete. What this means is all of the graphics, content, video, and reports are in place already. It also comes with hosting and email marketing built in.
The results? You can INSTANTLY setup a page like the image below in one click:
This page is setup to generate leads from buyers and sellers looking for an agent. It has an excellent "Explainer Video" in place, graphics, and report. In other words, nothing needs to be done by the agent to set it up.
Here is a live example of the page: CLICK HERE FOR LIVE SQUEEZE PAGE
What To Do With A Squeeze Page?
Integrate real estate squeeze pages with everything you do. For example market the squeeze page by:
- Adding a link from your core real estate site to the squeeze page.
- Any print advertising. instead of just posting your contact info, Promote the free guide on "How To Find The Right Agent".
- Facebook, Twitter, etc
- Local Pay-Per-Click Ads.
- On you business card.
- In everything you do...and all of your marketing...simply include the web address of your "Squeeze Page". It will produce valuable leads.
"Squeeze Page Marketing" works for any business. It is even more effective in real estate because:
- Realtors have access to important information
- Buyers & Sellers want this information
If you package the info in a squeeze page it will result in more leads and build your brand in the process.
Another benefit? It's very cost-effective.
postAprop gives you unlimited pages with hosting, email marketing, proven designs, 100% complete pages, & more.
- Buyer Squeeze Pages
- Seller Squeeze Pages
- Hosting, Email Marketing, Real Estate Content, Marketing Videos, etc
- And...Single Property Sites Too.
All under one account. One low price. Easy Setup. Effective Marketing. Great Value.
Reviews of postAprop have been positive with several well known real estate sources such as Inman News, RealtyTimes, and others providing favorable commentary on this real estate landing page/squeeze page service.
Most of the postAprop reviews commented on the easy setup of these lead generating pages. Some mentioned the value they provide agents by saving time and helping them generate their own buyer and seller leads. Of course, one of the key features is the built in email marketing. This was highlighted in all of the reviews.
The bottom line is the use of real estate squeeze pages can help any agent produce their own leads. It can be integrated with all types of marketing. Squeeze page marketing is a proven marketing method for all types of businesses especially in real estate.
Any agent looking to boost lead production should consider using squeeze pages and the service at postAprop makes it easy to setup and manage.
Visit HowToLeads.com for a promo for postAprop that will cut the cost by over 50%. It will give you unlimited real estate squeeze pages (and mobile optimized single property sites) for only $19.97/month.
Here is the link to the Promo Code:
(Scroll to bottom of this page to see Promo Code)