Kula Maui landscape - like a Curtis Wilson Cost painting
Kula Maui is very picturesque, with rolling pastures, ocean views and rustic old farm buildings. One of the famous painters here on the island is Curtis Wilson Cost. You can see his beautiful art work in many galleries and other locations. What is striking about his paintings is that they look so real and within reach. I love the classic scenes of times gone by.
This photo was taken up in Kula Maui, while touring the homes for sale on Realtor Caravan. The rusty shed, the blue skies and green pastures, puffy white clouds... all add up to a peaceful and pleasant vista. No wonder the artist is captivated by the landscape in Kula Maui! Wouldn't you be too?
Maui has a vibrant art scene with many galleries and home studios open to the public.
Kula is more than just a pretty location for snapping pictures. It's a great place to live too. If you are thinking of relocating to Kula Maui, start your home and land search here. Feel free to contact me with any questions you have about the area, or Maui real estate in general.
Georgie Hunter R(S) e-Pro, Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers
161 Wailea Ike Place C-103B, Wailea HI 96753
127 Hana Hwy. #G, Paia HI 96779
800 667-5028 ex 8241
direct: 808 283-0635