Branford CT Homes for Sale $250,000-$350,000
Are you looking for a home for $350,000 or less in Branford Connecticut?
Find out what $250,000 to $350,000 buys in Branford CT today. Many of these listings offer 3-4 bedrooms and 2 baths.
Branford Connecticut offers home buyers a great variety of homes in this price range and commuting is convenient to homeowners commuting to New Haven or New York City.
Along the 20+ miles of coastline Branford combines natural beauty with convenience and the recently revitalized downtown area offers a quaint New England green surrounded by town offices, trendy boutiques, fabulous restaurants, coffe shops and ice cream parlors all within walking distance.
Located just a quick 15 minutes from Downtown New Haven and 90 minutes from New York City homes in Branford offers value and a "small town" feeling which a one of this town's greatest assets.
Some Interesting Facts About Branford
Population: 28,389
Land Area: 22.0 square miles
High School Graduates: 5,081
College Graduates: Associate Degree - 1633, Bachelor's Degree or higher: 9,038
Average Household Income: $70,075
Median Age: 48 Average
Travel Time to Work: 21 minutes
To tour homes for sale in Branford just call Donna Bigda-RE/MAX Alliance 203-645-7467.
Click here for the most current list of Branford CT Homes for sale $250,000-$350,000.
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