
Some Pursue Happiness - Fortune Cookie Friday

Real Estate Agent

Some pursue happiness; you create it.

Would you believe I pulled this fourtune out of my cookie after I created these postcards?  True story.  I promise.


Some people spend their whole life chasing happiness.  Buying things, taking trips, indulging in other people or food.  The cycle never ends.  If you're looking for happiness you'll never find it.  There will always be something bigger and better out there that will influence what happiness could be.


Instead, create happiness.  Define what makes you happy, content.  Then DO IT.  I know, this may sound like chasing happiness, that never ending cycle but it's not.  Creating happiness does take some time and thought.  It can't be done in a day, a week or month.  Sometimes it takes years.  But if you stop chasing and start doing, things will fall into place.


Little hint, less is more ;) 


Read all my little cookie papers here.

Janice Zaltman
United Realty Group - Boca Raton, FL
Energy Efficient And Eco-Friendly Homes in Florida

Two good fortunes this Friday. The happiness cookie and that you have good Chinese food in Amherst. I miss New York food!!!! Yes, happiness begins from within. Have an awesome July 4th weekend!

Jul 03, 2015 02:04 AM
Stefan Winter
Real Estate in IL & NV | Owner of Real Estate Web Tech | Daily Vlogger - Las Vegas, NV
Owner - Winter Group & Real Estate Web Tech

Great one, sadly so few people are willing to put in the work to create happiness. Takes a lot of work and create, and some sacrificing especially in the first few years

Jul 03, 2015 02:35 AM
Sarah Lynn Jaskowski
Williamsville, NY
House. Home. Today.

Thanks for stopping by Janice and Stefan!  NewYork does have great food =)  And not matter what your walk of life, people need to see that you have to make the most of what you have.  You can't buy happiness.

Jul 03, 2015 04:59 AM