Looking for new ways of marketing properties
Double Click on Picture to see 5119 Silverton Lane from Bob Sokoler on Vimeo.
Very interesting, I have not used Point2agent but I'll check it out. These videos cost nothing to produce (other than buying the music rights). It takes about 30-45 minutes to produce with windows software and then Vimeo is free. The best part of all is you can expand the video imade to full screen.
Bob....I like it, BUT...it seems a bit long. I agree it's more Virtual than Video though. I've been doing Real Home Tour Videos for about 2 years. Here's the format I've finally landed on that I like. What I've pasted below is an actual "email" I sent in my marketing to other agents, prospects and those that call off a sign. I get emails from Talk Fusion everytime it's viewed so I know if it's working effectively. Let me know what you think.
I just checked out Talk Fusion, much better than C0Video.com. I'm also looking at http://www.eyejot.com/.
We bought a HD camera but felt the movment of the video was too rough when compaed to using stills.