
Looking for new ways of marketing properties

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Properties East
I've been working on other methods of marketing our homes. I think we're seeing some success with our videos but I wanted other agents to review.
Double Click on Picture to see 5119 Silverton Lane from Bob Sokoler on Vimeo.
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Chip Jefferson
Advanced Building LLC - Lexington, SC
looks good
Apr 12, 2008 10:55 PM
Dennis Swartz
Full Circle Property Management - Columbus, OH
MBA, GRI...experience counts!
Looks good, but not exactly what I thought when you said "video". This is the same thing you get on Point2agent for free.
Apr 13, 2008 12:14 AM
Bob Sokoler
RE/MAX Properties East - Louisville, KY
Realtor - Louisville, Kentucky


 Very interesting, I have not used Point2agent but I'll check it out. These videos cost nothing to produce (other than buying the music rights). It takes about 30-45 minutes to produce with windows software and then Vimeo is free. The best part of all is you can expand the video imade to full screen.

Apr 13, 2008 12:20 AM
David W. Bolick
Network Real Estate, Inc. - Little Rock, AR

Bob....I like it, seems a bit long.  I agree it's more Virtual than Video though.  I've been doing Real Home Tour Videos for about 2 years.  Here's the format I've finally landed on that I like.  What I've pasted below is an actual "email" I sent in my marketing to other agents, prospects and those that call off a sign.  I get emails from Talk Fusion everytime it's viewed so I know if it's working effectively.  Let me know what you think.

Apr 13, 2008 01:45 PM
Bob Sokoler
RE/MAX Properties East - Louisville, KY
Realtor - Louisville, Kentucky

I just checked out Talk Fusion, much better than I'm also looking at

We bought a HD camera but felt the movment of the video was too rough when compaed to using stills.




Apr 14, 2008 03:51 AM