
Homes for Sale in Gillette -- Featured Listing!

Real Estate Broker/Owner 5021

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1412 High Court, Gillette, WY 82718

Price: $252,000

MLS Number:

Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 2

Square Footage: 3389


If you are in search for a HUGE home for sale in Gillette this property could be the one! Located  in Westover Hills, this home has beautiful mature landscaping, plenty of custom woodwork and a spacious kitchen. 

Located in an established well maintained neighborhood on a street with minimal drive-by traffic, this home is within 1 mile of Prairie Wind Elementary School. AND... Who says you have to be a golf enthusiast to love being walking distance of Bell Nob Golf Course?!


1412 High Ct           Front 1412 High Ct

Click here to see more pictures of this Home for Sale in Gillette

HUD homes sold ''AS IS'' by electronic bid only.


Call me directly at 307-680-9162 for your private showing or for more information on getting pre-approved.  I am always happy to help!



Tom Simons                                                                                                                                                      Owner/Broker                                                                                                                                                         


Team Properties Group, LLC                                                                                                                                           409 W. 2nd Street                                                                                                                                                         Gillette, WY 82716                                                                                                                                                          (307) 685-8177 Office                                                                                                                                                       (307) 680-9162 Cell


Team Properties Group