The Town of Islip recently instituted a crack down on illegal apartment rentals in One family homes in the Town of Islip.
Having borne the burden of a Town Official mascarading to be a potential Buyer at a recent Open House, I cannot help but feel passionate about the underhanded unscrupulous manner these Officials have utilized to fine not only the Real Estate Agent, but also the Homeowner. Many of my recent homeowners purchased their homes in the exact same setup as they are in today. Just recently one of my homeowners was fined for having walls in her basement and a bathroom. The homeowner purchased her house just that way less than 7 years earlier. The town has now fined me for representing a single family home with illegal walls and also fined the homeowner for having walls in her basement. This homeowner's english and communication skills being somewhat strained, the homeowner is unable to understand WHY she would be fined at this point when she has not changed the layout and the house was sold to her in the exact same layout. My seller has no money to correct the situation and this is why they are selling the house in the first place, NO MONEY. She turns to me and asks me what she should do? As a real estate agent and NOT a town code enforcer, I have no idea. I only know I no longer want the listing for fear that additional fines may be coming my way. I do a written release and say a prayer.
Now, in Islip Town, Realtors will no longer be able to turn the other cheek even though most of us do not have any idea what Islip Town Code is. The Islip Town Board has enacted code provisions that hold the Realtor liable -- by means of the imposition of fines and jail time -- for offering for sale or lease of premises that are in any manner in contravention of the law of the Town of Islip.