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The Guts to Decide

Services for Real Estate Pros with Rivers of Income LLC

The Guts to Decide

By David Oswald

I do some of my best writing at odd hours of the day or night.  Sometimes I write these articles when I can't sleep at 1:00 am and sometimes I have to actually plan to write them so that they get done.  In my particular case, writing is one of those things that sometimes comes very easily but at other times, I have to almost force myself to get started.  Once I get into the first few lines, I usually find my groove and knock out the entire article in one session.  But isn't that how much of life can be, especially when it comes to things that aren't necessarily required but might be important to us regardless.  Some of us may have a desire to push forward with an idea to grow or start a business, a plan to drop ten or fifteen pounds (or more) complete reading a book that we've been putting off or even start writing a book of our own.  It's funny how we can think about a particular topic or even talk about it to others but little or no action occurs even after years of thought patterns like this.

The reason is that there is actually a small step that has to occur before the action itself and that is the actual decision of whether or not to do it.  For many, this decision doesn't happen because we are forever weighing the pros and the cons or letting that small voice continually show us the negative side of why it wouldn't be a profitable venture or why it wouldn't make sense at this particular time or how we will do it or get to it once we finish something else.  Hey, I've been there.  I get it.  But I also have learned to identify this series of thoughts for what it is and it's usually nothing more than good old fashioned fear with a touch of procrastination thrown in for good measure.  Some people refer to it as "thinking it through" or some other phrase that makes it seem as if this is such a momentous decision that weeks or months or even years of thought are required before finally giving it the thumbs up.  But as you sit there waiting for the perfect moment, remember that many before you have started businesses, lost weight, written books or done whatever it is you may be pondering.  You are not the first nor will you be the last so you might as well get going with it!

I try not to be categorized as a motivator but I would guess that some of you may put me into that realm.  I won't argue with the fact that some of what I talk about may motivate a person to get up out of their seat (or at least that's what the testimonials on my website http://www.riversofincome.com/ seem to indicate), but I would rather be known as the guy who just plain out gets it...you know, the guy who understands why we all, including myself, do the things we do and I'm just pointing it out so that we don't lose touch with reality.  Because reality ain't going anywhere and neither will we unless we meet it head on.  So here's your assignment, make a decision today.  Big, small, mid-sized, super sized, whatever size decision you want to make is fine with me (other than what to have for lunch).  If it's something you've been playing around with in your mind for a while, decide today and don't look back.  Just say yes or no and leave it at that.  If the answer is yes, then just start making more decisions right after that, in fact, go out and make a mess if you want, I dare you.  Go out and even make a few "wrong" decisions and then come to the realization that it wasn't necessarily a "wrong" decision, just a chance to refine the direction you are going.  Hey, I just made a decision myself.......I'm done with this article.  Adios!