Greetings Rainers!
As most of you know, your tireless and dedicated Community Manager Kerrie La Guardia is taking a short break to discover all that motherhood has to offer. (Well, maybe not ALL it has to offer. It'll be more like an "Introduction to Motherhood.")
We wish her well!
Yours truly will have the honor and distinction of trying to fill Kerrie's fashionable shoes.
That's no easy task, believe me.
As I have other responsibilities, I won't be able to do everything that Kerrie does. Heck, no single human can do everything Kerrie does. You can read the "official" AR post to get the details of what will and won't be going on while Kerrie is out.
Who the heck is Jay Thompson and why is he doing this?
According to Kerrie, I'm a "stand up guy," that's why!
While I'm inclined to agree with her assessment, there are several other reasons I was tapped for this:
- Prior to joining Zillow as their Director of Industry Outreach, I owned a real estate brokerage in Phoenix, AZ. While it's been three years since I last sold a house, I haven't forgotten what it's like to be an agent and broker.
- I'm a blogger. Although I recently sold my real estate blog, I still write for other blogs. Blogging is in my blood, and sometimes the only people that "get" bloggers are other bloggers. I "get" you!
- I'm a social media fanboy! Social media (and AR is a social platform) helped me build my brokerage.
- I like the 'Rain. I first joined AR in 2006. That was back when about the only thing you could do on AR is invite other people to join AR.
The bottom line is, no one had to twist my arm to do this. I want to do it, I like the community and I'm really looking forward to working with all of you!
Just go easy on me, I'm still learning...