
Tom Ferry's Blue Print Conference Was Awesome

Real Estate Broker/Owner with The Jordon Wheeler Group GA License# 264359

Tom Ferry's Blue Print Conference Was Awesome!

Tom Ferry - Orlando - Blue PrintThis past weekend I took time off to attend the Blue Print Conference in Orlando, Florida.  Tom Ferry and his organization hosted the event, and it was AWESOME!  There were a lot of factors that contributed to how much I enjoyed and appreciated the conference.

Resources Galore!

There were tons of fresh ideas presented during the conference.   There was so much material and resources supplied to the attendees that I don't see us running out any time soon.  From marketing to time management to team building to mindset.  Tons and tons of takeway material.

Opportunity to Impact the Next Generation of Agents

I also took a team member to the conference, and that was a tremendous opportunity to give back and impact an up and coming 'millenial' real estate agent.  We are so fired up that we have increased our goals and have created a contest (us versus the goal) to list 20 properties by July 31st.  We have five and we need 15 more.  We love referrals in metro Atlanta.  Agents need goals and objectives and accountability to keep the momentum going.

Networking With Other Agents

And we met so many other great agents at the conference.  Many were from Florida and the immediate area.  A few from Georgia.  Lots of great people who were eager to talk and share in a like-minded atmosphere.  Everyone hearing the same message.

Time Allocated to Brokers and Managers

Tom conducted a special breakfast session for brokers and managers only.  A part of his message was wanting people in the business who really want to be in the business.  Working in this business of real estate and doing it well is truly a full time profession.  He also encouraged us to grow our business and showed ways to do it.  Very practical session.

Improve My Mindset

Sometimes I am the most positive guy you ever want to meet, but every now and then the day is a little downer.  Tom impressed upon the attendees the importance of always fighting through - keeping a positive mindset expecting success and good fortune.  And running from negative people complaining about everything under the sun.  You have to be thankful about something at the end of every day.  One deal did not close - be thankful for the ten that did close.

And since I have not posted on AR in a while, I must be fired up after the conference.

Check out Tom Ferry at for awesome coaching material.

Best of GREAT success to all of you AWESOME Rainers!


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Jennifer Fivelsdal
JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571 - Red Hook, NY
Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection

Jordon glad to hear the event was worthwhile.  I am confident you will exceed your goal of 20 listings by the end of the month.

Jul 03, 2015 03:13 PM
Jordon Wheeler
The Jordon Wheeler Group - Fairburn, GA
J W Group Real Estate Sales and Service

Hi Jennifer Fivelsdal ,

We are having huge success in conquering the goal.  Thanks for the support and best of GREAT success to you as always!

Jul 03, 2015 03:55 PM