
Featured Home for Sale in Gillette

Real Estate Broker/Owner 5021

Featured Home for Sale in Gillette!


                   2107 Sammye Ave. Gillette, WY 82716

Price: $119,900

MLS Number: 15-64

Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 2

Square Footage: 1,216

The perfect home for relaxing on the front porch while the kiddos play in the fenced in yard! This cozy 3 bedroom, 2 bath manufactured home features an open floor plan, a large covered deck, 1 car garage and 1 car carport located in quiet Fox Park Subdivision.  This property has been very well cared for, inside and out! The colorful flowers and lush landscaping are a great bonus. Built in 1996, this home is move in ready!


The subdivision is located on the outskirts of town so you will enjoy minimal drive-by traffic yet the convenience of town just down the road!



1205 Estes gillette wy kitchen  

1205 Estes Ln, Bathroom   


Click here to see more pictures of 2107 Sammye Ave., Gillette, WY 82718.

If this property isn't the one for you, search the entire MLS or search for other homes for sale in Gillette, or Fox Park Subdivision! If you have a property to sell before you can buy or you are not sure where to start, get in touch with me or an expert agent with Team Properties Group, LLC for a FREE price evaluation on your home. 

Our Agents at Team Properties Group, LLC have a collective network including developers, investors, home improvement contractors, inspectors, title companies, and trusted lenders at your disposal to make every transaction as smooth and easy as possible!

Call or Text Tonya Stahl directly at 307-299-1396 for your private showing or for more information on getting pre-approved.  She is always happy to help!

Team Properties Group, LLC – Broker Tom Simons

Office:(307) 685-8177  | Cell: (307) 680-9162

409 W. 2nd Street | PO Box 3551 | Gillette, Wyoming 82716


Team Properties Group


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Kathleen Luiten
Resort and Second-Home Specialist - Princeville, HI
Kauai Luxury Ocean Home Sales

This property looks like a great value. Wishing you a speedy and easy sale!

Jun 18, 2015 07:53 AM
Tom Simons

Thanks! It is a very well cared for property for a great price!

Jun 18, 2015 07:56 AM
Jeri & Henri Gutner
Realty One Group Legacy - Doylestown, PA

Nice looking home, good luck with it. Hope you sell it soon.

Jun 18, 2015 12:48 PM
Winston Heverly
Coldwell Banker Access Realty - South Macon, GA

What a super opportunity, so let the sales sizzle and make your deals count for listings and transactions through the remaining days of June & this quarter. Good luck with future transactions too.

Jun 18, 2015 01:15 PM