Find a home in Haiku Maui near the Twin Falls hiking trail
If you know your way around Haiku Maui, you'll know that Huelo is a great place to live. It's close to the ocean, and there's even a few fisherman trails that will get you down to the water for some fishing or diving. Huelo is lush and green and you know you're in the countryside, not just some suburb.
Twin Falls Farm Stand and hiking trail is a well known feature along the Hana Highway, at mile marker 2. Streams and waterfalls abound in Huelo and Haiku, and it's nice to live somewhere with access to these things.
I've put together a little gallery of properties for sale in the Twin Falls area, so come along and take the tour with me. You'll see some beautiful homes with ocean views. Some are oceanfront properties with outstanding whitewater ocean views. Some may even be completely off the grid - that is, unplugged from the public utilities like power and water. It's a very sustainable area, so you can survive quite comfortably with catchment or well water, and power from the sun and wind.
Tour the homes for sale near Twin Falls, Haiku Maui
Search Haiku Maui for your next home!
I've seen these homes and can guide you through the pros and cons of each one. Just email, call or text me with your questions.
Georgie Hunter R(S) e-Pro, Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers
127 Hana Hwy. #G, Paia HI 96779
direct: 808 283-0635