Eagle Harbor Reclaimed Water
Here is everything you need to know about Eagle Harbor reclaimed water.
Reclaimed water is wastewater that has been treated for use in irrigation. It has been filtered and disinfected according to stringent guidelines for the State of Florida. It does not meet Federal guidelines for drinking water.
There are no restrictions in Clay County and Eagle Harbor for use of reclaimed water, as it is using wastewater in an eco-friendly use.
Reclaimed water still has nutrients in it, such as zinc, boron, chromium, magnesium, aluminum, calcium, molybdenum, iron, sodium potassium, manganese and more. These nutrients are beneficial for the soil and plants.
Every Eagle Harbor home is connected to fresh water in the residence and the hose bibs are connected to the fresh water also.
Using Eagle Harbor reclaimed water saves money on the water bill since there is no charge for sewer, only for the water used.
Reclaimed water is a good use of wastewater and Eagle Harbor residents are fortunate to have irrigation water that is good for the environment.
Let us know if you have any questions about Eagle Harbor Reclaimed Water.