
Shutting out small companies

Mortgage and Lending with Geneva Financial LLC NMLS 42056 NMLS #150082/42056
The local Newspaper -The Indianapolis Star (a Gannet Paper) has for the past several years included all the MLS listings on their on-line site. Recently they have changed to HOMESCAPE and made each office pay a fee for your listings to be displayed. The fee is $360.00 a year per office. The fee does not matter if you have 1 agent or 800 agents. This is just another way the large companies are holding the small offices down.
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Kim Carnes
Licensed - Certified Home Inspectors (317) 753-7098 - Indianapolis, IN
Carnes Home Inspections - Indianapolis Metro Area and beyond -

Hello Ebbe,

What I really want to know is how did you get the extra size picture in AR as your profile?  That is wonderful my photo  needs help...Has AR been good for your business?



Jun 16, 2011 05:22 AM