Homes for sale in Westwood, League City Texas
Why people live here?
Westwood is convienetly located just west of I-45 on FM518 in League City. Close to Houston and Galveston. Everything you could want is in close proximity , shopping, fine dining, recreation. Westwood is in the Clear Creek Independant School District. There are several home builders.
Looking for a home in Westwood?
Interested in finding homes for sale in Westwood, League City ? Click the link to find all the current available homes for sale.
What's the Neighborhood Like?
There are plenty of choices when choosing a home here, with Four builder's Brighton Homes, Lennar Homes, Castle Rock and Gehan you are sure to find a floorplan to fit your life style. Prices range from the mid $200,000.00 to $500,000.00
What Schools will the Kids Attend?
Westwood students would attend the exemplary rated Walter Hall Elementry, Recognized Creekside Intermediate and State of the art Clear Springs High School.
Know you really want to find a home here, Right?
If you are interested in the currenthomes for sale in Westwood, League City Texas click the link. Our "for sale" property information is a direct feed from the Houston MLS and is updated every fifteen minutes.
Posted by Debora Aguirre of Realty Executives Advantage
2121 W. Main Street, Ste A
League City Texas 77573