April 15, 2008
I hope most of your are experiencing some relief now that tax day has finally arrived and it's behind you! However if you're like my husband, who's a retired CPA, he uses this day to file an extension. But then how does the saying go? The shoemaker goes without shoes and the accountant files an extension on tax day. But I know that's not everyone out there so I hope it's behind you.
In my business as an r.e. broker I hope that the sellers are finally coming around to listening to the market and settling for a well qualified buyer even though the price they agree on may not be as high as they might have hoped. On one of my properties two offers came in identical and the third right at the market. Although my seller doesn't want to accept this reality, the market is talking to him and my advice is to go for it! That doesn't mean he'll listen. But I sure hope he will one day soon.