Hello my name is Sandra and I am with Metro Brokers.
I am quite astonished at how many times other agents or REALTORS® do not identify themselves? Even on an office phone call I took the other day I am at the end of a phone call with the caller, he says I am an agent? An agent recently said to me we are in a very unrespected profession.
We all have the responsibility to hold ourselves in a respectable manner.
In a recent negotiation we were coming down to a deadline with another agent, I wrote to him he wrote me back "what do you want?" I just wrote; "That was unnecessary are we still on path to keep this deal in motion?" I get it there are times I want to check out but in this profession and our market that is a luxury. At the end of the day I never understood what people get out of being nasty? Remember you never know when you need to cross that persons path again!
Have a blessed day, be kind do something unexpected for someone else it is contagious!
cell 303-260-9960