
There's a First Time For Everything

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Advantage 6501390356

We've all heard this before, but how many times have you used these words to reassure yourself when beginning something new? I have and I've done so countless times over the last few weeks.

Beginning a career in real estate is not for the faint of heart and giving up a regular paycheck with no promise of making an income is terrifying. Diving head first into a career with little knowledge of how to navigate its waters can seem completely too risky and quite foolish... So why does anyone do it? Because, along with all of the scary firsts you'll face, there are some amazing ones to look forward to. This week I was able to see two seperate first-time homebuyers get pre-approved and move one step closer to reaching their dream of owning their own home. I'm making a living helping others achieve their dreams and how does it get any better than that?!

There IS a first time for everything, and how perfect to experience this in my own life and be a part of some incredible firsts in other's lives. These are the times that make this completely too risky and quite foolish head-dive into a career seem like the best decision of my life. 

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Chris and Dick Dovorany
Homes for Sale in Naples, Bonita Springs and Estero, Florida - Naples, FL
Broker/Associate at Premiere Plus Realty

Beautiful post.  You are so right and also don't expect that first time to be a calculated move, things happen either fast or slow but they do happen and not on the course that was originally planned.

Jul 21, 2015 10:59 PM
Sharon Tara
Sharon Tara Transformations - Portsmouth, NH
Retired New Hampshire Home Stager

Welcome to ActiveRain!  Your first post Featured?  Now that is awesome!

Jul 21, 2015 11:51 PM
Richie Alan Naggar
people first...then business Ran Right Realty - Riverside, CA
agent & author

There was a girl named Dori, who like to tell a good story, she became an agent, and said what she meant, and that is the end of this story. Welcome Dori Thurmond great things

Jul 22, 2015 12:19 AM
Nicole Doty - Gilbert Real Estate Expert
Zion Realty - Gilbert, AZ
Broker/Owner of Zion Realty

Let me also congratulate you on your first blog here on Active Rain! Welcome aboard!

Jul 22, 2015 01:19 AM
Ed Silva, 203-206-0754
Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 - Waterbury, CT
Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally

Dori, it appears that you have a lot of good things going for you already.  Welcome to the business and also to ActiveRain

Jul 22, 2015 05:45 AM
Dori Thurmond
RE/MAX Advantage - Portage, MI

I appreciate all the feedback and reblogs, what a great community of people! I look forward to getting to know and learning from all of you! 

Jul 22, 2015 05:48 AM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

Thanks for following my blogs. I will be watching for your comments!

Jul 22, 2015 06:03 AM
Kathy Goldman
REVA Online | SEO Boost For Real Estate, Social Media Marketing for Real Estate and Real Estate Blogging Expert - Waukesha, WI
Social Media & Marketing for Real Estate

Welcome and Congrats. It is very difficult to walk away from a paycheck, but keep your nose to the grindstone, use technology and effecient services and procedures and you will be making money in no time!

Jul 22, 2015 06:14 AM
Mike Rock
Complete Design - Granite Bay, CA
Granite Bay Luxury New Construction...For Less

Welcome to the rocking rain place :) with your smile you may never look back ! enjoy this time in the best biz ever :)

Jul 22, 2015 06:20 AM
Bob Crane
Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified - Stevens Point, WI
Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671

Hi Dori, thanks for the "follow", I thought that I had followed you last night when I reblogged your post but I must have forgot to hit the button, until now.

Have a great day!


Jul 22, 2015 06:39 AM
Debbie Reynolds, C21 Platinum Properties
Platinum Properties- (931)771-9070 - Clarksville, TN
The Dedicated Clarksville TN Realtor-(931)320-6730

Hi Dori, Welcome to this new endeavor and know you will have a lot of fun and hopefully grow your business. I have been here almost four years and oh has the time flown. There is tons of support and learning going on every day here. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance to you oranswer any questions.

Jul 23, 2015 08:22 AM
Dori Thurmond
RE/MAX Advantage - Portage, MI

Thank you everyone for the comments and support! 

Jul 23, 2015 08:55 AM
Christine Donovan
Donovan Blatt Realty - Costa Mesa, CA
Broker/Attorney 714-319-9751 DRE01267479 - Costa M

Dori - Doing something new can be absolutely terrifying and exhilarating, often at the same time.

Jul 23, 2015 03:14 PM
Christine Donovan
Donovan Blatt Realty - Costa Mesa, CA
Broker/Attorney 714-319-9751 DRE01267479 - Costa M

Dori - Plus, it's great to work with first imte buyers.  They get so excited about their first home.


And, another first for you - first post, first feature!  Congrats!

Jul 23, 2015 03:15 PM
Hillary Cochin
First Home Mortgage - Chevy Chase, MD
Personalized and Local Mortgage Finance

Great post and congratulations on the feature! Sounds like you're off to a great start. Love the positive energy.

Jul 24, 2015 04:37 AM
Dori Thurmond
RE/MAX Advantage - Portage, MI

Thank you Christine & Hillary! 

Jul 24, 2015 09:01 AM
TeamCHI - Complete Home Inspections, Inc.
Complete Home Inspections, Inc. - Brentwood, TN
Home Inspectons - Nashville, TN area - 615.661.029

 Good Saturday morning Dori. Congratulations on your first blog and your first feature! Looking forward to seeing a lot of good stuff from you. Welcome to active rain.

Jul 24, 2015 06:54 PM
Dori Thurmond
RE/MAX Advantage - Portage, MI

Thank you!


Jul 24, 2015 11:30 PM
Larry Johnston
Broker, Friends & Neighbors Real Estate and Elkhart County Subdivisions, LLC - Elkhart, IN
Broker,Friends & Neighbors Real Estate, Elkhart,IN

Hi Dori Thurmond ,  Very nice first blog.  You seem to be off to a great start here on Active Rain with a Featured Blog.   Congratulations.

Aug 10, 2015 11:40 AM
Dori Thurmond
RE/MAX Advantage - Portage, MI

Thank you Larry Johnston

Aug 10, 2015 11:50 AM