Yes its come full circle and all those English classes I skipped have come back to haunt me. I now often feel weak and not up to par when trying to so something as simple as write a blog. Take the following article about the Sacramento MLS. I wrote it initially because I love helping investors and wanted to shed some light on the complexity of the MetroList system.
However after just a few sentences in I started struggling to find the correct words that matched what I wanted to say. I don't know if that comes across very well in the written language but I swear I could explain it in 15 seconds if you were here. Alas your not "here", so I'll trudge on trying to explain myself.
I started writing about how awesomely simple the entrance to the website was and how much the simplicity of the website portal made doing the job itself easier. I tried showing this but unfortunately I think I fell short. I hate falling short and it happens frequently when I try to write about a subject. I blame the days I snuck out of school to smoke that green stuff. Yes marijuana was my class of choice and the effects haunt me today. Now my vocabulary suffers from all those classes missed. Without a spell checker I would probably give up writing all together.
I read others blogs and get secretly jealous in the wording they choose. OMG I actually get jealous of others use of vocabulary to the point of my inside voice starts mocking me. Yes it's true. I love the power of having a good vocabulary. Having the ability to express oneself or point of view using words is something we all possess. I sure ain't no Shakespeare.
Yet I do love to write. I love to do my best and explain my point of view. I love how the written word keeps a person enganged and wanting. I love how books captivate me for hours at a time. I love doing this with others.
I can write, write and re write. Over and over I'll play the writing game yet when I'm finished I always feal the same... Weak. I could have done better.
I know many others blog and would love to hear about your experiences and if you've ever felt close to the same.