Some days you just need to focus on other things that are important in life like the unconditional love of a family friend. Who knew some states geared more towards cats and others towards dogs? Well our friends at have done such a study and quite interesting. I guess you can quantify this as meaningless time but to some who have a pet could determine where they live. My home state of Colorado is the Top State for Dog Washes! Does that say we like our dogs clean or just simply the dogs go with us outdoors therefore they are digging in as we are in the outdoors. As the statistics show some states are both cat and dog states such as Colorado.
I personally love the self wash dog wash, when you have a "larger" labrador it makes life so much easier. A great one in Parker, CO is U-Shampooch. In Parker we love our animals from goats, horses, llamas, cows, dogs and cats alike you will find them all.
There are so many reasons we choose a home and if you are an animal lover Welcome to Colorado!