The members of Congress, which the three candidates are, have done nothing to help our economy so far. They certainly are buying gas & oil, except, it's on their expense account that we pay for;) I don't believe it will affect us one way or another. Rates have remained low, thank goodness, so that has to be helping.
It's a Good Life!
Walt, I have been a political junkie since I was a kid, I even majored in it in college and have been active with many local, state and national candidates. Here's my answer to your question. YES! I watch closely every four years and it doesnt really seem to matter who "wins" the election just that the perception of the average citizen is that "a change is coming" This tends to shift our way of thinking, we gain more consumer confidence and act on that. As soon as the 2 candidates are definite I believe we will see a shift, perhaps it will be small, but I will take that, anything would be good. All of the candidates have been talking about Gas, with Clinton wanting an inquiry into the rising prices. Remember when Enron hiked up the price of energy on California and other western states. The current Governor lost to the now Gov. All because some energy traders manipulated the market. So who knows maybe we will have gas prices addressed. At any rate, I am optomistic!!