
Tears Of Joy

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Executive Realty in Franklin, Ma. 9033022

Tears of Joy  

I can't believe I'm sending my third child off to college in three weeks.  

Where has the time gone? 

If feels like just yesterday Joshua was pushing that little lawn mower.  Not that I can get him to push a real one these days but he has certainly done an amazing job pushing his way through life.  

After losing his Father in the line of duty 3 years ago, I worried about what road my boy would decide to travel down.  He was stuck to his father like glue.  They were best buds doing everything together from fishing, working out, playing basketball everyday at the Y to just hanging out watching tv shows.  I knew he was tremendously hurting inside but he decided to focus on football, his education and spending time with his close friends that all had the same goals that he had.  

So here we were at graduation day.  

One of my favorite things, pictures with all my children together.  I try to get as many as possible.  Not their favorite thing to do but they always put a smile on for their Mother.  I love this bunch beyond words.  

Now the time has come and High School is done.  It's time to go off into this big mysterious world on his own.  Off to Endicott College to major in Criminal Justice.  We have been buying his dorm items a little at a time.  I have gotten some great advice from friends and family as far as what items to send him with.  Last night a family member said to put together a plastic storage container with a bunch of health items.  I didn't even think of that.  Cold medicines, cough drops, band-aids, etc.  I'm loving all the helpful ideas.  

I'm so excited for my boy yet so sad inside.  I just pray that I did a good enough job being Mom and Dad these past few years.  I had to teach this boy how to be a man and from what I see, he's an amazing one!


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Eve Alexander
Buyers Broker of Florida - Tampa, FL
Exclusively Representing ONLY Tampa Home Buyers

You get the raised a good kid.  His dad gave him a good foundation and you kept him grounded.  Love your story.


Aug 05, 2015 06:19 AM
Teresa Cooper
Home Solution Real Estate Services - North Charleston, SC
SC Lowcountry - Charleston, Dorchester, Berkeley

COLLEGE?  Don't talk about college!  I'm sending my first grand-daughter to kindergarten, and I promise you, this has been a lot tougher than sending my son off to college!


Time - slow down a bit, let me catch my breath!

Aug 05, 2015 06:27 AM
Barbara Todaro
Retired...Mentoring Newbies - Franklin, MA
Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team

I want to thank everyone for all of the nice comments that you've extended to Tammy....Hope you don't mind my jumping in, Tammy Todaro ...

Aug 05, 2015 06:28 AM
Theresa Akin

Ok! i had to get some tissues! So sorry for your loss. I know your husband's strength was gift from God to you.

On a somewhat lighter note, you may want to pack a large box of tissues so he can throw any cold away. My cousin laughed when his mother sent a large box of tissues along with waste basket and garbage bags. He ended up getting a nasty cold and was able to throw away the germs. Other kids asked their parents for the same.

Wishing you the best and a fruitful time for your son at college!

Aug 05, 2015 06:56 AM
Tammy Todaro
RE/MAX Executive Realty in Franklin, Ma. - Franklin, MA
The Todaro Team Leader

Jan Green thank you!  That is also a good idea putting a few sentimental items in each care package.  Maybe a couple pictures of Rocco every now and then. 

Gene Riemenschneider thank you.  His  father will always be a very strong influence in his and my other childrens' lives.  He was an amazing man in every sense of the word. 

Mike & Eve Alexander thank you.  He is a wonderful young man!  

Teresa Cooper that must be a very exciting yet emotional moment as well.  I can't wait to hold my grandchildren in my arms but in the same breath I'll say I CAN WAIT!  

Theresa Akin thank you!  We all know he is still here in some form.  We allow him to guide us in many ways.  Tissues are on my list and I bought the waste basket today.  Mom reminded me of 


Aug 05, 2015 08:36 AM
Tammy Todaro
RE/MAX Executive Realty in Franklin, Ma. - Franklin, MA
The Todaro Team Leader

Jump in whevever you want Barbara Todaro 

Aug 05, 2015 08:36 AM
George Souto
George Souto NMLS #65149 - Middletown, CT
Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert

Tammy the time does go by quickly.  My youngest is getting married on Sunday :)

Aug 05, 2015 11:19 AM
Evelyn Johnston
Friends & Neighbors Real Estate - Elkhart, IN
The People You Know, Like and Trust!

Congratulations on getting Joshua from point A to point College! You are right, your whole family is a great roll model!

Aug 05, 2015 12:20 PM
Chuck Willman
Chuck Willman - Alpine, UT

Sad and happy, this I know. Congratulations to both of you. Heaven knows it's not easy raising a child alone but appears you have managed to do it with aplomb,

Aug 05, 2015 12:24 PM
Kimo Jarrett
Cyber Properties - Huntington Beach, CA
Pro Lifestyle Solutions

A very inspirational post for others who are or may be walking your life's journey by providing hope and inspiration that challenges could be conquered regardless of their circumstances. May God Bless you and your family and Grant you Favors for your health and happiness. 

Aug 05, 2015 01:56 PM
Sharon Parisi
United Real Estate Dallas - Dallas, TX
Dallas Homes

Tammy Todaro What a beautiful family you have!  Time goes by so quickly.  I love Kathy Streib's care package idea and I echo Kimo's sentiments. You're children have a very special mom.

Aug 05, 2015 02:21 PM
Carla Muss-Jacobs, RETIRED
RETIRED / State License is Inactive - Portland, OR

Oh YES . . . tears of joy and mixed emotions!  I remember there was a time when my (now) 28-year old son would sit on my lap.  One day, he just wasn't there anymore.  I can't remember the last time my son sat on my lap and gave me hugs, it just slips by almost unnoticed.  I appreciate this post and know those tears!

Aug 05, 2015 03:38 PM
Roger D. Mucci
Shaken...with a Twist 216.633.2092 - Euclid, OH
Lets shake things up at your home today!

You have a wonderful family that was raised with all of the proper should be quite proud of them and yourself for their achievements.  Best of luck to Joshua.

Aug 05, 2015 08:08 PM
Tammy Todaro
RE/MAX Executive Realty in Franklin, Ma. - Franklin, MA
The Todaro Team Leader

That's wonderful George Souto   That is such an exciting and emotional day.  My oldest got married last year and boy did the tears flow that day.  Best of wishes to your Daughter.  

Thank you Evelyn Johnston Family is very important. 

Thank you Chuck Willman   Moving forward is all we can do and I have an amazing support system.  

Thank you Kimo Jarrett   We all have our struggles and obstacles.  I don't like to complain because there are others out there with much worse situations.  I'm very thankful for my beautiful children.  

Aug 05, 2015 08:47 PM
Tammy Todaro
RE/MAX Executive Realty in Franklin, Ma. - Franklin, MA
The Todaro Team Leader

Thank you Sharon Parisi   It goes by in the blink of an eye.  

Carla Muss-Jacobs, Principal Broker/Owner  I say you make him sit on your lap next time you see him.  Might not be quite the same effect, but could be a good laugh together.  

Thank you Roger D. Mucci.  I always say I'm very thankful for my children but I am equally thankful for my parents as well.  

Have a great day everyone!  

Aug 05, 2015 08:52 PM
Roger D. Mucci
Shaken...with a Twist 216.633.2092 - Euclid, OH
Lets shake things up at your home today!

Well I know your Mom Barbara Todaro rocks!

Aug 05, 2015 08:55 PM
Tammy Todaro
RE/MAX Executive Realty in Franklin, Ma. - Franklin, MA
The Todaro Team Leader

She certainly does Roger D. Mucci!!! 

Aug 05, 2015 08:59 PM
Liane Thomas, Top Listing Agent
Professional Realty Services® - Corona, CA
Bringing you Home!

Great pictures, and love the car.

You did an awesome job, and raised a wonderful man. I'm sure your husband knows, and is proud of you all.

Aug 06, 2015 02:48 AM
Tammy Todaro
RE/MAX Executive Realty in Franklin, Ma. - Franklin, MA
The Todaro Team Leader

Thank you Liane Thomas - Corona & Riverside Real Estate!  I'm sure he's watching down with a smile on his face.  

I love the car too, thank you!  :o) 

Aug 06, 2015 03:51 AM
MaryBeth Mills Muldowney
TradeWinds Realty Group LLC - Braintree, MA
Massachusetts Broker Owner

Congratulations Tammy, looks like you did a fantastic job!  My brother's Dad was killed in action, a hard road for a Mom to travel, loosing the love of their life and still being the protector of those others they love.   Congratulations on all your accomplishments, your family looks amazing!  

Aug 13, 2015 11:07 AM