Brandywine Bay Market Report
2015 vs. 2014
(as of August 13th, 2015)
When Comparing closed residential listings for Brandywine Bay, 2014 (13 units) vs. 2015 (22 units), number of sales are up 59%. There were 47 new listings added to the inventory for 2015 compared to 2014 with 53 new listings. .
The median sales price year to date in 2015 is $244,000 (up from 224,900% in 2014). The median List Price in 2015 is $235,000 (up from $219,000 in 2014).
There are currently 19 Single Family Residential properties on the market, 9 Condos and 4 Townhouses. 5 of those properties are currently under contract.
When Comparing closed land listings for Brandywine Bay, 2014 (1 unit that sold for $70,000) vs. 2015 (1 unit that sold for $430,000), number of sales are the same. There were 7 new listings added to the inventory for 2015 compared to 2014 with 2 new listings. .
There are currently 7 lots available on the market in Brandywine Bay with none of those properties currently under contract.
Information was found on CCMLS on 8/13/2015 and is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed.